Add colors to your life!
I am Alex and I create abstract paintings most often using acryl colors on canvas. It all started very inconspicuously.
I did my first paintings just for myself. I like to create abstract pieces of art and then observe how they gradually emerge. I like various colors and their mutual interaction. Art was a special kind of relaxation for a long time but on one day, suddenly, my first customer approached me and wanted to buy one of my paintings that he previously saw.
He simply called and asked for the price. He thought that the painting would be an original gift. By buying the first painting he valued my work. Soon after the very first customer, another one called with the same question, and then another, and another. Then I decided to create a place where you can see my work and where you can get in touch with me and my paintings. Here you can see and/or choose a painting that you like, or you can order your own (tailor-made) that will fit your requirements.
Welcome to Art by Alex.